The Evolving Landscape of Talent Acquisition

Jenae Atwell

An excerpt from our Wins, Wines and Woes Series featuring Tara Turk Haynes, VP of DEI at the Leaf Group.

In today’s fast-paced world, staying up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in talent acquisition is crucial for HR professionals. In our recent Wins, Wines and Woes series, Keirsten Greggs and Tara Turk Haynes delve into the world of talent acquisition, discussing the changing landscape of the industry at large and what’s driving each of these trends. Here are a few key takeaways from that discussion.  

The Shifting Mindset of Talent Acquisition Teams

Historically viewed as gatekeepers of opportunity, recruiters are now evolving into advocates for both candidates and companies. The focus has shifted from simply representing the company to ensuring a mutually beneficial match between candidates and roles. This change emphasizes transparency, inclusivity, and accessibility throughout the hiring process.

Reimagining Metrics and Reporting

There is a growing need to redefine metrics and reporting in talent acquisition. While traditional metrics like time to fill and cost to hire are still relevant, the emphasis is now on quality of hire, candidate experience, and retention rates. By reevaluating and redefining metrics, talent acquisition teams can align their goals with the overall mission of the organization and better serve both candidates and hiring managers.

The Power of Data and Automation

Data and automation play a significant role in modern talent acquisition practices, with the key being leveraging data to make informed decisions and improve processes. With advances in technology, reporting capabilities have improved, providing recruiters with valuable insights into their hiring practices. Additionally, automation tools, such as text messaging platforms, streamline communication and enhance the candidate experience, making the hiring process more efficient.

Creating a Community of Learning

Building a community of learning is essential for talent acquisition professionals. The need for HR practitioners to connect with one another, share best practices, and support each other’s growth. In today’s interconnected world, siloed operations are no longer effective. By fostering a sense of community and collaboration, HR professionals can stay abreast of industry developments and continuously enhance their skills and knowledge.


HR professionals are embracing a new role as advocates for candidates and companies, prioritizing transparency, inclusivity, and accessibility. By reimagining metrics and reporting, talent acquisition teams can align their goals with the organization’s overall mission. Leveraging data and automation tools empowers recruiters to make data-driven decisions and streamline processes. Finally, fostering a community of learning and collaboration among HR professionals ensures continuous growth and improvement in the field. As the world of work continues to evolve, staying connected and adaptable is key to success in talent acquisition.