Category: Talent Sourcing

6 Talent Sourcing Strategies for 2024 & Beyond

Effective talent sourcing strategies should include AI and human expertise

Your talent sourcing strategies for 2024 and beyond should be built around resilience and adaptability, not because you can see the future, but because you can’t. Trends, data, and informed opinions provide helpful pointers, but what works for other recruiters won’t necessarily work for you – especially in a recruiting landscape that’s not short on… Read more »

Passive Sourcing: Everything You Need To Know

When most people think about sourcing, they probably picture active candidates – on job boards, social media platforms, and employee referral programs. But using another route to find top talent — passive sourcing — targets passive candidates. This approach enables you to expand your pool of potential employees and improve your chances of finding the… Read more »

How to Source for International Talent Effectively with AI

International Talent Sourcing

Joss Leufrancois, who has recruited for talent in over 22 countries as head of his own agency, and is CEO and co-founder of Visage, which sources for talent in over 60 countries, shares his take on international sourcing with AI. Watch the full live webinar plus Q&A and read a preview below.    Recruitment is… Read more »

Using A Recruiting Funnel To Forecast Your Candidate Sourcing

This article on developing a strong recruiting funnel was originally published in October 2020. All relevant information and statistics have been updated as of October 2022. Everywhere you look, it seems like people are breaking down and dissecting the turbulent and challenging job market we’re currently experiencing. A surplus of open jobs on the market… Read more »

Why Are Talent Pipelines Essential?

recruiter using a talent pipeline to find and hire candidates

For most recruiters, having access to a high-quality pool of candidates interested in their organization no longer has to be a pipedream. Thanks to talent pipelining, that group of top candidates does exist and can be the ultimate tool for recruiters to pull from and find excellent matches. Despite the many praises being sung about… Read more »

FAQS About Talent Sourcing in a Recessive Market

When facing the threat of a recession, recruiters are often left scrambling and wondering what to do next. Obviously, a recession isn’t the most promising situation, but we have faced it before, and we (likely) will need to face it again. Recruiters have several pain points that become even more exaggerated in a pending recession…. Read more »

Candidate Sourcing Technology: The Unsung Hero

Let’s talk about Sourcing! Sourcing is the unsung hero of the Talent Acquisition function, sourcers are the folks who scrape LinkedIn, conduct x-ray searches and dig deep into the weeds to find unique and talented individuals (purple squirrels). They prowl around LinkedIn groups and Facebook groups to try to find talented, unique candidates, people who… Read more »

Sourcers vs. Tech Solutions – What do you need to hire?

Once upon a time, I ran a sourcing program from Abu Dhabi that was well-funded and gave me access to any tool I wanted. It afforded me one of my most incredible career moments yet: SourceCon in Anaheim. I went to Black Hat in Las Vegas, held a cyber symposium and met incredible people from… Read more »