How to Source for International Talent Effectively with AI

Evelyn Egan

Joss Leufrancois, who has recruited for talent in over 22 countries as head of his own agency, and is CEO and co-founder of Visage, which sources for talent in over 60 countries, shares his take on international sourcing with AI.

Watch the full live webinar plus Q&A and read a preview below. 


Recruitment is all about communication. From job descriptions to candidate communications, so much of our industry revolves around natural language — something generative AI is making increasingly more efficient.

As you probably know, AI is already being used and is growing more prevalent in the recruitment process. Ready or not, it’s here in HR tech and making an impact, and one of the opportunities for AI to bring the most value and efficiency to HR professionals is in sourcing for international talent. 

As the recruitment landscape evolves, embracing AI becomes pivotal for HR professionals seeking to excel in international talent acquisition. And it offers new solutions to unique challenges in HR, such as sourcing internationally.

International sourcing presents its own unique challenges, such as differing cultural norms.

For example, in the US, it’s perfectly normal and expected to send multiple emails or LinkedIn requests, or even try to call potential candidates, when sourcing for talent. But you can’t do that in a country like Germany. They would expect a more thoughtful approach, with perhaps one email, maybe a follow-up if there is no response. 

The cultures are different, and what one may consider as unwelcome pestering, another may expect or appreciate as diligent persistence.

Challenges of Sourcing International Talent:

  • Diverse cultural norms and behavior
  • Language barriers
  • Varied educational systems
  • Work authorization and Visa issues
  • Compliance requirements
  • Benefit and compensation expectations
  • Variability in infrastructure and technology

All of these can be quite difficult to comprehend and navigate. So, how can AI be used to help address international sourcing challenges? How can it help you understand the talent landscape, and where and how to find international talent?  

And what has sourcing in 6 continents with AI shown us about how AI technology compares to the performance of what a boots on the ground, in-house local sourcing team looks like across the globe?

These questions and more are answered in the webinar, “How to Source for International Talent Effectively with AI.” 

Watch it here.