Category: Recruitment Software & Tools

Recruiter Burnout: Causes, Tools, and Strategies

Workplace burnout affects organizations of all sizes and across all industries. In the world of recruiting, however, burnout is running especially rampant. Jobvite’s annual survey reveals 61% of recruiters report more stress at their jobs, with 19% of those describing the increase as “drastic.” A stiff hiring market makes the fight for talent fierce, and… Read more »

Recruiting Ethically with ChatGPT: The Recruiter’s Guide To ChatGPT Part 5

Recruiting Ethically

While ChatGPT is a useful tool for helping streamline the recruitment process and create more engaging candidate experiences (which we explore here), using ChatGPT or any AI-powered language model in recruitment processes raises privacy and ethical concerns that organizations need to address to ensure fair and responsible usage. Here are some key ethical and privacy… Read more »

Empowering Recruiters with Increased Tech Adoption

recruiter empowered by adopting technology

As Talent Acquisition becomes more complex, the availability and advantages of recruitment tools are accelerating quickly. AI and other tech solutions are becoming increasingly valuable tools for recruiters vying to remain competitive in today’s landscape. Senior leaders continue to evaluate their team’s strategies to better understand how new tech investments can help improve performance and… Read more »

Sourcers vs. Tech Solutions – What do you need to hire?

Once upon a time, I ran a sourcing program from Abu Dhabi that was well-funded and gave me access to any tool I wanted. It afforded me one of my most incredible career moments yet: SourceCon in Anaheim. I went to Black Hat in Las Vegas, held a cyber symposium and met incredible people from… Read more »